Armour Hart Group

Fire Protection and Upgrade

Armour Hart have a long, well established history of providing fire protection solutions.

We work with all the major suppliers in providing comprehensive solutions to the “Duty of Care” for building owners, facility managers or employers to protect the occupants of their properties.

Armour Hart has also worked extensively within the social housing sector for the last 25 years.

Armour Hart has also worked extensively within the social housing sector for the last 25 years, delivering repairs, cyclical decorations/redecorations and building maintenance, to a distinct range of clients such as:

In addition, we also deliver painting and decorating services to a range of Local Authorities throughout the UK such as Barrow-in-Furness, Maidstone, Rochester, Runnymede, and Waverley, working in occupied properties and council buildings in close proximity to residents or members of the public. 

Decoration Services

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Commercial Painting

Armour Hart group has a long-established reputation for delivering commercial paintings projects of distinction.

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Industrial Coatings

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Fire Protection and Upgrade

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Specialist Decorations and Wall Coverings

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